no need for a title for this one.

no need for a title for this one.

The 50’s have you ever noticed how in those old movies and stories form your grand parents everything seemed so much simpler in the 50s? I wonder if it had anything to do with how oblivious people were. We had no knowledge of cancer. There wasn’t nearly as much technology, as useful as it is, technology is a burden always checking and always watching we are always connected. In the 50’s people did certain things because it made them happy not because it was good for their health. I just want to be in one of those family’s you read about, the ones on the farm where everyone helps out and your friends are your neighbours and people from church. when everyone was oblivious.(and the fact that swing music is so much fun to listen to)


Screw society’s idea of beauty.

For young people or just people in general they shouldn't look at someone who is fat and think that they won't go anywhere in life. Just because they aren't societies idea of beautiful. instead of girls looking up to pretty people like Rhinanna or Katy Perry they should be looking up to people who have grater values in life other then singing about sex, being skinny and pretty.

just google it…

Don’t know something?  Google it

Can’t find something?   Google it

Don’t know how to get there?   Google it

We say it all the time but I’m sure most of us don’t even know how to get the full use of google or any other search engine. Using AND tells the search engine to only show websites with all key words, using OR will tell the search engine to show websites containing any or all key words. Using NOT tells the search engine not to show websites containing those keywords. Using quotations tells the search engine to search for the words in that exact phrase.

To find more information click here.

Never before

Blogging is something I’ve always thought was interesting, but being me oven never known what to blog about. now that my classmates and I have been giving this assignment it gives me an excuse to blog. when blogging people should not use offensive language and be respectful of other bloggers. In this project we are asked to create a blog and blog about whatever we like for the rest of the school year.this should be interesting….